Let's face it, Canada can get cold...

So we've collected our winter essentials & indoor favourites, just for you


We believe in providing the best products for children of all needs, in one store. From playtime to calming, our Sensory line has you covered. 3% of all Sensory Product proceeds go directly to Autism Canada.

We're Here To Help

Have any questions or want to learn more about our products? Our team would love to hear from you

Welcome to The Sensory Supply!

We feature the newest top-of-the-line Sensory & Indoor Play goods that create a nurturing, fun, and stable environment for children of all ages and needs. Quality, durability & memorability - these values are at the core of our product choices designed to soothe, stimulate, and support a child's natural development. Each TSS product is thoughtfully selected to aid in the well-being and growth of children, fostering a sense of calm and confidence in their daily lives and activities.

We're an online-only business to keep operating costs low, so we can give our customers the best prices possible. Whether your needs are educational, professional, or for at-home use, The Sensory Supply has you covered.

For questions or larger quotes, contact our team today at (800)-881-4997

Oh they grow up so fast...

The Woodland Cloud Crib

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Nestig Woodland Cloud Crib
Nestig Woodland Cloud Crib

This Month's Nursery Picks

Sensory Collection

Sensory products play a crucial role in the development of children with sensory processing difficulties. Shop our Vibroacoustics, Glow Pieces, Sensory Tables, and more!
NUVO Pram Single

Gear Spotlight: The NUVO Pram

Tried and tested in all conditions, the Nuvo Pram provides high versatility with no fuss, keeping you flexible when you're on-the-go.

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Our Pledge: Autism Canada

We're dedicated to improving lifestyles for children with specials needs. That's why 3% of all Sensory Product proceeds go directly to Autism Canada.

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